Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7 Tips for Living Off the Grid in Canada

It's important to consider your geographical location before deciding to build your own Earthship or home off-the-grid. Canada is a wonderful country with endless resources, breaktaking views, and a vast variety of wildlife. What types of elements should you consider if choosing to build in Canada? HandyCanadian(dot)com explains a list of important issues to consider.

For anyone thinking of “living off the grid” there are a few items to be considered:
1. Planning and Education
The reason many people have not rushed to get their own power sources is that the start-up costs can be immense. Wind turbines, batteries, power converters and solar panels are expensive so the first key in going this route is to get educated on the ins-and-outs of alternative power installation. Many community colleges offer night courses, and now building supply stores are getting in on the act so there is no shortage of expertise. You will learn the difference between solar energy types – passive and active – as well as the right number of storage batteries you will need to run your needs. Become an expert, and soon you will installing your own system and saving thousands of dollars.
2. Rethink Your Home Energy Requirements
Most builders never think “outside the box” - their own boxes. And those that do have problems selling energy-efficient homes because, in most cases, they don’t look like the “McMansions” or the  “Pressboard Palaces” people have been encouraged to buy. If you one of these, or an older home, spend around $150 to get your home inspected for energy leaks and then follow the recommendations. This could include insulating bare-concrete basement walls or upgrading windows. Sometimes all it takes is some good caulking techniques.
3. How Much Power Do You Need?
Appliances that generate heat also use great amounts of power. This includes ovens and toasters which can use as much as 1500 watts to make a couple of pieces of toast. If this is what you require then count on spending almost $20,000 for solar panels and batteries, or to build a windmill generation system. Most people who live off the grid also dry their clothes in the wind or in a greenhouse dryer so that the sun’s heat is magnified. These are considerations for living without power lines.
4. The Sun Can Heat Homes
Not only will the sun’s heat dry clothes it can also heat a home. In our northern climate most of the extremely-cold areas in winter also have a lot of direct sun. Yellowknife and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan in January and February are very cold. However, this is the season where the sun is low in the sky and so shines directly into any windows facing the south. Using the “greenhouse effect” and triple-paned windows with low-emissive coatings and heavy argon gas between the panes can keep a room very warm. Not only that the effect will trap the heat so that the room will stay heated after the sun has gone down. If the room has tile floors this heating effect will last longer, and this means a longer period when the furnace is off.
5. Light Lights
During the past few years compact fluorescent lights (CFL) have largely replaced the old incandescent bulbs. However, CFL’s will soon be placed by a more cost-effective and power-miser type of light that comes from LED’s, or light- emitting diodes. The knock against CFL’s is that they contain a poisonous mercury gas that causes disposal problems.
6. Like-Minded People
Another way to get the information you need to make informed decisions is to join a group of people who are already in the process of “off-grid” living. Many of these groups are found online or through stores that sell alternative energy devices. Following these people can save countless dollars and save time.
7. Utilizing a “Grid-Tied” Approach
In Canada many power utility companies will buy your excess power and either give you money or a credit on your account. This may be an easier way to start because it negates the need for storage batteries as the excess electricity is bought by the power company. Even for die-hard people who want to leave the grid completely this is a great platform from which to jump off.

A great way to start to organize your thoughts and plans is ask yourself: "What is 'Living off the Grid' about to you as a homeowner; and what kind of life you envision having in your sustainable home? Check back soon for more resources and information.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Garbage Warrior

For 35 years, Architect Michael Reynolds has been developing and tweaking sustainable housing all over the globe. Garbage Warrior is a documentary about “Earthships” and its creator. This is a Six-part post. I hope you find time to watch them all. His story is truly inspirational. I have included the following 5 links below.

Part 2 of 6
Part 3 of 6
Part 4 of 6
Part 5 of 6
Part 6 of 6

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A method of burning less wood and creating more heat?

This is called the Rocket Mass Heater Stove.  As you will notice. It burns from bottom of inside a "U" shape.  The back of the "U" being much taller containing insulation warming effect, to create an upwards draft.  Venting and heating the rest of the system. This type of system has very small carbon foot print. It's chimney expels mainly steam as the wood gas is completely burned before leaving the system.  Here are 12 different stoves for you to take a look at.

This is a very easy way to burn small amounts of wood. It can be built in a day or two from easy to find materials. Don't forget to include a clean out.  Because this stove burns so cleanly it rarely needs to be cleaned. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What can we do if our water stops ?

This system could be build anywhere on the planet for next to nothing. What is it?  It is called a bio sand filter. Here is an introduction to the bio sand filter.  This system could be built quickly and proved clean water for a long time. Here is someone who has set up a collection system in their back yard using a rain barrel.

Why are we treating water with chemicals? We can all collect our own water and treat it on site. Ensuring clean and consistent water should be everyone s goal, or at least a small back up system for drinking and cooking water. Here is a small system and a demonstration on how to clean the sand filter system.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What are some of the systems in an Earthship?

Reply to Shirleejo (Dated Sept 1,2010)


Shirleejo. Thank you for your question. This type of home an "Earthship" it was actually first developed in hot climates. However they are built all over the world. Buy controlling the airflow, sun direction and angle of the windows they can control the heating and cooling. Blinds are hung over the windows to provide shade. These kinds of homes have been constructed all over the world using cob or adobe. This is then plastered over the walls of the home to create a seal over the tires, bottles etc. My understanding is that you can smell the tires inside the home until this process has been completed. I have included this video to demonstrate some methods of cooling a house in a hot climate.  I hope this answers you question.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So, what does Gridgone even mean?

We have all become so dependent on the essentials provided by someone else our food, water, heat, and even our housing. All of this is causing a huge debt to our pocket books, and our lovely planet.
How would you and your family survive if tomorrow our “GRID was GONE! “

What would you do with your money if you did not have to give so much to the “Grid”
What can we do? Well this site is dedicated to inspire change.

Why should you live off the grid?
Many people choose this lifestyle for many different reasons. Here's some people who choose to live sustainably:

We have thousands of resources around us to provide a cheaper more sustainable style of living. Did you know that you could build houses from straw, old tires, sandbags, tin cans and bottles? This technique is used with other passive systems to take you off the grid.
Please feel free to add information, stories and other relevant information!